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Xavier provides daily COVID-19 symptom screening for their students to augment their contact tracing program


How Xavier works with Sonde

The University Center for Population Health is running a study with 125 student participants that are quarantining due to being a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 positive case. They are using Sonde One for daily screening while in quarantine


Launched March 2021


Enrolling 125 students in quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19 positive individual


Outcomes: Feasibility of daily screening for COVID-19 & efficacy of Sonde One for early detection of COVID-19

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Daily screening

Daily screening for 10 days: COVID-19 symptoms, temperature and vocal biomarkers

Using their own phones

Conducted on student’s own smartphone using the Sonde One app, in less than 1 minute per day


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Accurate results

Confirmatory viral testing to confirm COVID-19 status for all participants to verify Sonde One screening


“Healthy, college-aged students are likely to be among the last people to be vaccinated, so it’s important to continue looking for ways to enhance the protections for this group,” Dr. Ronis-Tobin (principal investigator for the study) said. “If we can use Sonde’s vocal biomarker platform to contain the spread in a university setting, there are clear applications in workplaces, healthcare settings, and anywhere else that large groups congregate.”

- Dr. Ronis-Tobin
Interim Director Center for Population Health Xavier University

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